For Special Education Students – Four Strategies to Succeed in College

College success occurs as a result of effective academic, communication, and social skills. This presents a challenge to mainstream students but can often cause the demise of students with learning disabilities. Fret not, however. Rather than dwell on the difficulties you experience with these skills, concentrate on practicing the strategies below to overcome these challenges. Without further ado, here are four skills you need to master to achieve college success.

Associating with Professors

  • Introduce yourself to your professors, so they can associate your name with a face. Make an effort to speak with the professor privately, especially, if you are struggling in the class.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to utilize professors’ office hours. One of the prime purposes for office hours is to help students.
  • Avoid irritants to professors such as:
  • Sleeping in Class- Not attending Class- Not reading syllabus- Lack of responsibility- Excuses and not meeting
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